Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Okorocha Denies Allegations Of Money Laundering

Okorocha: Imo State governor

Imo State governor, Owelle Rochas Anayo Okorocha, has described as unfounded the rumour peddled by some people that he was arrested in London by Metropolitan Police for money-laundering.
Gov Okorocha, who stated this while speaking with journalists at Sam Mbakwe Cargo Airport shortly on arrival from Abuja, said the rumour was orchestrated by the enemies of the state whose stock-in-trade is blackmail.

“The rumour circulated through SMS that I was quizzed in London over $10 million is unfounded and another blackmail by those who fought me during the electioneering period. They are the same people who at the wake of my election rumoured that I had stepped down,” Gov Okorocha said.

He explained that his mission in London was to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with a UK-based company to float a state government-owned airline that will be known as Imo Air.

While he attributed the rumour to the handiwork of some displaced individuals who are plotting to return to Government House through the back door, Gov. Okorocha enjoined the people of Imo State to remain calm and law-abiding even in the face of provocations as justice and fairness will prevail at the end of the day.

“I believe this latest attack on me is basically because of the judgment we are expecting at the Supreme Court. I have not seen where blackmail and rumour-mongering translate to mandate or victory. I have implicit confidence on the judiciary to dispense justice and fairness over the matter,” the governor concluded.


  1. My question is this: does Gov Rochas need to go to London to sign the agreement? I just came back from London and I must say it is quite amusing hearing that Met. Police arrested the Gov. I dare say I'm pissed to hear the dude went to London just to sign a mere agreement. I think even the airline project is unsustainable because the next man who takes over from him may divest or frustrate the effort. He should have asked the Mayor of London, Boris, for some tips on sustainable development.

  2. I think Chief Rochas just gave a "tint" of his itinerary in the UK. I don’t expect him to go full blown on this. Signing of MOU may not necessarily mean putting pen on paper. This is mega business, and I think it needs to be discussed as business. Owelle may have a better business idea than Boris as refered. I welcome this great news and would like to see it come to fruition.
    So far, Owelle has performed relatively above average. Let us lend him a supporting hand and he will do more.
