Sunday, June 5, 2011

Remembering Ezenwa Ohaeto and Esiaba Irobi

As part of events to mark the one year remembrance of the tragic death of Professor Esiaba Irobi, Loneranger Comprehensive Theatre Services, Owerri, Imo State, has undertaken to sponsor the publication of two anthologies namely; Rhythms Through Cancer – an anthology of poems on cancer and cancer related issues, and Exiles of Conscience – a collection of stories and plays. The two anthologies will be dedicated to Ezenwa Ohaeto and Esiaba Irobi, respectively. Interested writers are therefore invited to send in their entries through e-mail to

The subject column of the mail should be addressed, depending on the anthology being entered for, thus:
a. 2011 Anthology: Poem
b. 2011 Anthology: Play/story

• Entries must not exceed 3 works per anthology.
• Entries must be sent in a Microsoft Word attachment with a biography of not more than sixty words pasted on the body of mail.
• The deadline for receiving entries is 31st July, 2011. Any work sent in after the deadline will not be considered


The title is Rhythms Through Cancer: an anthology of poems on cancer and cancer related issues. It shall have two editors comprising the main editor and a coordinating editor. Each poem must not exceed hundred words. Contributors are expected to explore but not restricted to the following themes:
1. The state of medi-care in developing countries
2. Healthcare and the fate of the Nigerian writer
3. Cancer in varying shapes and shades
4. Cancer around the globe
5. The writer, the exile, the doctor, and cancer
6. Cancer and effective cure: foraging into the future
7. Symptoms of cancer
8. Factors that promote the prevalence of cancer
9. Traditional African and Orthodox Western medicine: the struggle for the soul of cancer
10. Cancer, children and Gender issues


• The Title is Exiles of Conscience - a collection of stories and plays
• Stories and plays are expected to reflect serious psychological depth.
• Writers are encouraged to be experimental. The works we shall accept must have something beyond the ordinary
• Works should be futuristic and preferably utopian.
• The anthology shall have three editors comprising editor of stories, editors of plays a coordinating editor.
• Stories should not exceed 1500 words
• Plays should not exceed four A4 pages of font point 14 typed with Times New Roman in 1.5 line spacing

The editors reserve the right to either include or reject any work as they deem appropriate. Contributors still reserve the copyright of their individual works and are free to use them for any other personal reason. Rejected works will not be returned to their owners but deleted from the e-mail inbox. The owners of works accepted for the anthologies will be notified. Every contributor whose work(s) appears in the anthology is entitled to a complimentary copy.

The anthology is billed to be presented on 1 October, 2011 at a special occasion to mark one year remembrance of the tragic death of Prof. Esiaba Irobi.

Post all entries to
For enquiries, call: 08063591311, 08037262774

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